
Celebrating a Successful Campaign

An event to celebrate the success of our global fundraising campaign - Becoming the Quakers the World Needs. Please join us on January 17th for a special Zoom celebration of the campaign. DATE: Jan 17, 2024 TIME: 07:30pm ET - 08:30pm ET


We can do so much more together than apart.

We are in the business of being—and becoming—the Quakers the world needs. In the 21st century, Quakers need the gifts of the Friends World Committee: theological, language and cultural interpretation skills, experimentation, inclusivity, and reconciliation. This campaign will enable us to create the precious, sacred spaces to connect and create community among Friends - both virtually and in meetings and churches. Our next step is to build the tools that Friends need in the 21st century.

“We are a family of Friends with a responsibility to support our brothers and sisters wherever they may be. Thank you for your care and concern about the future of Friends everywhere. Thank you for your support for this global fundraising campaign for the Friends World Committee for Consultation.

Please, walk with me through this journey.”

In friendship and with great excitement,

Robin Mohr
Executive Secretary

2023 Campaign Goals


Double Weave a Legacy Society Membership

The Weave A Legacy Society recognizes and honors those individuals who have included a provision for the Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas in their estate plans. The 2023 Campaign aims to increase members from 25 to 50 individuals.

Become a Member! Please contact Diane Zappas, Advancement Manager, at (302) 689-3704 or

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Quaker Connect Pilot

The purpose of Quaker Connect is to reinvigorate the Quaker movement. Campaign funds will enable FWCC to impact local meetings and churches by creating online training tools and engaging Spirit-led coaches and apprentices. The program structures networks of mutual support across worship traditions, geography, age, and culture, in order for participants to innovate in their own congregations and engage with others in their community.

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Interactive Map & Directory

Update: The new map has launched and is now available for Friends Meetings and Churches in the Americas! Check it out here:

Quakers should have an online source where all global Friends can be easily located. This project will build an online, interactive map of all countries where Friends are present, with statistics and stories and the locations of Quaker meetings and churches, that would be cloud-based and accessible on touchscreens in Quaker lobbies everywhere and websites (our virtual lobbies). A searchable directory would be available to download selected regions and print-on-demand.

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Interpreters Training & Glossary

Update: FWCC Interpreters attending the 2023 Section Meeting participated in a special, formal training for FWCC events. This training event was made possible by the global campaign, Becoming the Quakers the World Needs.

Interpreters are not only necessary for larger events like Section Meetings, but also for the work that is being done through committees that meet, often monthly and at times more frequently, to do the work of the Section. We’ve worked to include at least one member of COAL on every FWCC committee to ensure we are creating programs with equity. While we’ve enjoyed a stable base of volunteers who have provided these services in the past, it is increasingly more difficult to retain these specialized services on a voluntary basis. This fund would help us continue to have equity in participation and truly unite our global family of Friends.

  • Update the Spanish-English glossary to be online, interactive and multilingual (English, Spanish, Aymara, Kiswahili, Kirundi, French, Swedish, Russian, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Tagalog—All the languages that Quakers speak - in the Americas and around the world)
  • Sustain a stable corps of interpreters for FWCC events, committees, and other groups
  • Recruit and train new interpreters on a regular basis

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As the global fellowship association for the Religious Society of Friends, FWCC’s core purpose is about bringing people together, both virtually and in-person, as well as our newly defined “hybrid” meeting, where both virtual and in-person meetings blend.

Consultations & Intervisitation

Consultations on topics of concern to Friends and the wider world will include a series of in-person and online gatherings, knowledgeable and Spirit-filled traveling ministers to attend, teach, and lead discussions in local meetings and churches, and print and digital publications.

Travel & Technology Quasi-Endowment Fund

The need to meet together has not changed in the last two years, or the last two decades. What has changed is the massive improvement in tools for virtual meetings to complement in-person meetings. As tools for virtual meetings continue to improve, FWCC will continue to make these tools available to all Friends throughout the Section. However, access to travel and technology is not evenly distributed in the Section of the Americas. This quasi-endowment fund will be invested in Quaker-screened funds to support long-term participation to keep up with the growing costs of travel and sustainability, and allow for paying close attention to the environmental impacts of travel. This fund allows for more equal access to all FWCC events, whether online or in person.

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World Office & Other Sections

Update: Hezron Masitsa will be joining FWCC’s World Office as the Peace and Justice Secretary starting October 1. Read more about that position below. Hezron is a member of Nairobi Yearly Meeting, an experienced peacemaker and former Executive Secretary to the FWCC Africa Section. He will be the lead point of contact between the FWCC and the two Quaker United Nations Offices in Geneva and New York.

The FWCC World Office in London encourages the work of each Section and work across Sections. The four Sections embody rich cultural and theological diversity, organizing opportunities and programs to bring Friends together and to learn from each other. Twenty percent of all unrestricted campaign gifts (up to $250k) will be distributed to the World Office. One hundred percent of gifts designated for the World Office will be distributed to the World Office.

World Plenary Travel & Digital Transformation Fund

The World Plenary Travel and Digital Transformation Fund will enable Friends from every Yearly Meeting to participate in the World Plenary Meeting, (The Friends World Committee in Session) in August 2024. In addition to supporting travel to the event, this will address the Quaker ‘digital divide’ and build an infrastructure that supports the future of international Quakerism. This figure includes the cost of administering the fund.

Part-time Peace & Justice Secretary for 5 years

This role would coordinate Quaker engagement around the issue of inequality and historical injustice from a spiritual perspective, promoting increased awareness and addressing the different ways these issues emerge across the world. It is important that this work begins ahead of the World Plenary Meeting in 2024 when Friends will gather to explore the theme of ‘Living the spirit of Ubuntu: Responding with hope to God’s call to cherish creation—and one another’.

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How to Donate

Donations can be made to a specific campaign initiative, or to the campaign as a whole. At this time, campaign gifts, including cash, three-five year pledges, IRA distributions, or stock and other appreciated assets, are being handled directly. To inquire about donating, please contact Diane Zappas, (609) 793-5736 or



Campaign Areas Goal
Quaker Connect Pilot $250,000
Interactive Map & Directory $180,000
Interpreters Training & Glossary $180,000
Consultations & Intervisitation $100,000
Travel & Technology Quasi-Endowment Fund $100,000
World Office and other Sections $250,000
Staff and campaign expenses $190,000
TOTAL $1,250,000

  • FWCC has opened my heart and mind to broaden my vision of what is God’s work and how He moves among us as Quakers. I have found opportunities to deepen my relationship with my God by means of practices I didn’t know before. It has taught me about practicing my faith through works.

    Raul Perez, El Salvador YM
  • I’ve been given good work in our core value of peacemaking. I have tried to help liberal, unprogrammed Friends understand how Christianity is a worthy path, and helped my more evangelical Friends understand how God is at work even among those who don’t name Jesus as important to their call— doing that has made me (I think) a better bridge-builder.

    Julie Peyton, Sierra-Cascades YMF
  • I am always inspired by a vision of how Friends can be more connected and more relevant to the needs of the world. FWCC’s program is all about this. I am very pleased to be part of a larger movement.

    Jonathan Vogel-Borne, New England YM