
Be Social

Forward our e-newsletter or other publications to your Friends. Let others know about the good work of the Friends World Committee for Consultation. In the 21st century, our Quaker message to the world is more necessary and relevant than ever.

Update or Share our Facebook page. We are looking for one or more Friends who can regularly post specific messages to our Facebook page, and share our messages widely!

Be Generous

Make a donation. Join our "sustainers" by setting up an automatic monthly contribution. Or consider putting the Friends World Committee in your will. Your gifts are needed to support the programs that you care about. Help bring Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communications, and consultation.

QuakerSpeak: Listening in Tongues: being bilingual as a Quaker Value

Be Active

Visit a different Friends meeting, church or yearly meeting near you. Answer God’s call to universal love. Explore the wider world of Friends in your local area or as you travel for work or family reasons. Write about your experience in your meeting or church newsletter, on your blog, or for your local newspaper.

Pray for Friends in other parts of the world and for our FWCC staff and volunteers, for our ministry among Friends and to seekers, and for the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

Organize something for World Quaker Day at your local meeting.

Come to the Section Meeting or other local event.

Organize a fundraiser at your meeting or church for the Travel Fund for the next meeting of the Section of the Americas to take place in the Southeast Region in March 2023 or for the upcoming World Plenary Meeting in South Africa in 2024. This fund makes it possible for more Latin American Representatives to attend the Section Meeting.

Agree to serve on a FWCC standing committee or program group. Email

Be Constructive

Let us know how FWCC can better serve your yearly meeting or local church or meeting by sending us an email. Your insights and suggestions are very important to us.

Quaker Resources

Explore Quaker blogs and read the latest selections of Quaker literature.