
Frequently Asked Questions

  • I think I’m a Quaker; what do I do now?

    Welcome! To learn more about Quaker ways, visit the Explore Quakerism section of our website. There you’ll find information about Friends’ beliefs, practices, and styles of worship.

    To find the closest place to worship with Friends, search our directory of meetings and churches in the Americas.

    If you do live in a country where there is no Quaker Yearly Meeting (the regional bodies of Friends) but feel called to membership in the Religious Society of Friends, you may wish to consider applying for International Membership.

    If you’d like to read contemporary Quaker thought on issues that face individuals, Friends, and the wider Religious Society of Friends, go to Quaker Thought Today for a selection of blogs written by Quakers.

    Finally, explore our catalog of pamphlets that reflects some of the cultural and religious diversity among Friends. Pamphlets in English and Spanish explore topics like prayer, simplicity, peace, ecology, or the inspiring lives of early Friends. These pamphlets are available to download for free in pdf format.

    QuakerSpeak: Are You A Quaker?

  • I’m traveling to ________ and would like to worship with Friends there. How do I find them? Or, I live in ______ and would like to find a nearby meeting to attend. Do you have a directory?

    On the Find Friends page, you can find information on local meetings and churches in the Section of the Americas. Search our database by city, state, zip code, or type of worship, or use our interactive map for meetings in the US and Canada. There are also listings for meetings and churches in Central and South America.

    You can also find information on Friends in other Sections around the world here. If there are no Quaker meetings conveniently located in your area, read about the international membership program (in English) if you are interested in forming a new worship group.

    QuakerSpeak: why i worship with other kinds of quakers

  • I’ve heard we can travel to Cuba now! Do you have any information on visiting Cuba and Cuban Friends?

    Friends United Meeting organizes annual Living Letters visits to Cuban Friends. For more information, visit Friends United Meeting.

    If you are traveling to Cuba on something other than a religious visa, it’s perfectly fine to look up Friends and visit churches. However, keep in mind the following strong reminders.

    First, the United States has normalized diplomatic relations with Cuba, for which we are duly grateful. However, the U.S. embargo has not been lifted. Travel for U.S. citizens particularly remains complicated. Visa policies may change without notice.

    Second, the day-to-day life in Cuba remains distinct from what you are used to, so you should prepare yourself for a different level of privacy. Travelers may be searched on their way into the country, and are often kept under rather close observation while they’re there. It’s not wise to assume that any communication is really private, and it’s not advisable to raise political topics in conversation. The Cuban government remains very concerned about unauthorized emigration, so be sensitive these issues for yourself and those you are visiting.

    Visiting Cuba and worshiping with Friends there has been life-changing for many of us, in wonderful but often very challenging ways. Be mindful of the sensitive nature of your visit for those who will remain in Cuba after you’ve left.

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