
Intervisitation among Friends is a core practice for the Friends World Committee.

quakerspeak video thumbnail

Traveling Friends share their own spiritual experience and sense of unity that is possible across the branches of Friends. They encourage Friends to learn from one another, and, following consultation and discernment with the local communities, proceed to minister through prayer, pastoral counseling and encouragement, religious education, or peace, justice and environmental concerns. Friends meet "face-to-face and heart-to-heart" to share both that which unites and that which divides them in the life of the Spirit. Open exchange builds understanding, respect, trust and love, and, with God's help, renews awareness of the worldwide family of Friends.

Group of Quakers in discussion

Grants for Traveling in the Ministry

Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas offers financial assistance for members of Friends meetings in the Section of the Americas to follow leadings to travel in the ministry that do not fit into other institutional programs. Download the below PDF of the financial assistance guidelines.



From 2015- 2020, our Traveling Ministry Corps was the signature program of the Section of the Americas. For more information about the program and about the history of the Traveling Minstry corps, please see our Program Description.

program description

We recently completed a Strategic Impact Report which includes an analysis of the Traveling Ministry Corps program.

Strategic Impact Report


Donate to Friends

Friends who would like to support this essential work of FWCC are welcome to make financial donations.